Waterford Historical Society (CT)
The Waterford Historical Society has recently republished "The Granite Industry of Waterford," by Willard A. Reed III, who was able to originally publish the book in 1991 with the help of Laura Fitch and the Waterford Historical Society, Inc. The book looks at the fascinating history of the granite industry of Waterford and served as a way for the author, through his research, to meet his grandfather Axel "Dempsey" Nelson, a quarryman and a foreman at the Millstone quarry who built a stone house in Waterford. Reed lives in that house today.
Looking back at the granite industry that once thrived in Waterford but has since all but left the area, the book describes the many quarries in Waterford, the different types of granite, the ingenious tools and equipment devised by the quarrymen, and lists the many famous buildings where granite was used, in the state -- and beyond.
Bound copies of the 1987 publication, "Collected Memories of Pleasure Beach," compiled by Ann Browning Horsman and June Wright Prentice, are being offered by the Waterford Historical Society, Inc. for $25. This is the book for those who would like to know more about Pleasure Beach's history from its very early days in the late 1800's to the 1980's -- from those who lived it! It's a treasure trove of memories, folklore and history of this popular summer vacation haven, complete with photographs and anecdotes.
In the Introduction to "Collected Memories of Pleasure Beach," the editors wrote "In the summer of 1987 we began collecting stories about Pleasure Beach because we wanted to preserve them for future generations as well as share them with those who love this area. This is by no means a full account of our past: many interesting things are omitted from this publication because we decided to concentrate on the colorful recollections of people, places and events that stand out in the memories of those who gave them to us for this purpose... Memories are selective and fallible, and old records are sometimes inaccurate so there are bound to be errors. Please be forbearing."
Send a check or money order for $25 per copy to Waterford Historical Society, Inc., P.O. Box 177, Waterford, CT 06385. Indicate which book(s) you wish to purchase.